tiistai 21. toukokuuta 2013

Week 19 - review

There was some changes but still quite nice amount of workout too. Week 19:

Run 30
Yoga 60

PRD practice 1 hour 45

Run 45

PRD practice 2 hours
Explosive power off skate 45
Run 45

Cookie baking for restaurant day!
Body workout 60
Yoga & Stretching 30

Core workout 30
Upper body workout 20
Walk 60

Scrimmage! SWEATY

Here's a couple of pictures from my walk on Saturday. That evening was all about realizing it really is summer now and that's partly why I don't care to sit on my computer writing to my blog. I rather go out and explore the nature after so many dark and cold months. Or do some great workouts out together with my teammates as we did yesterday. I will be updating my workouts - it's a useful tool for planning and keeping track.

tiistai 14. toukokuuta 2013

Week 18 review - resting, week 19 on the way!

On week 18 I took it a little easier and it did me good. Those days I did workout were powerful so my body was definitely in need of rest. Now I feel like pumped up with energy!

day off

Core workout 30
Yoga 30
Explosive power 45

Jogging lightly 45

Outdoor skating 45
Core workout 30
Upper body workout 30

Day off

Day off

Walking 30

Last weekend I took a timeout from Derby at worst possible time, there was some awesome games played in Gent, but my weekend was already set. Well it actually did include a tiny portion of derby in means of ordering a pair of skates for my sister! We spent some hours in Helsinki trying out different skates and after some serious boot fitting the deal was clear and a pair of Vixens are hopefully soon on their way! Outdoor wheels too and we'll be ready for a pre- freshmeant training period training! I don't know which of us is more excited. On Saturday we did some charity and collected products for families of limited means. We got three shopping carts full of products!

Three of these full! Thank you people!
Then I had two visitors for spending the evening and night with us... A friend who has lately joined Kallio Rolling Rainbows, she is one of my long-term friends who has always been super important to me, as a friend and as an example too, she's just so full of energy and life! I love it in her. Her dear friend from Belgium was visiting Finland and they made a little visit to Porvoo. She's so easygoing and fun it sometimes feels I've known her for a long time! In fact we've only met a couple of times and spent some awesome time at Boom Festival last year. We had a great evening!

Week 19 planned:

Run 30
Yoga 60

PRD practice 1 hour 45

Run 45

PRD practice 2 hours
Explosive power off skate 45

Cookie baking for restaurant day!

Core workout 30
Upper body workout 20


maanantai 6. toukokuuta 2013

On Saturday it smelled like team spirit!

PRD played its first public bout on Saturday! It was also our second bout and our 4th game played as a team. For me it was 11th game.

WE WON! 338 - 205!

We succeeded in doing our very best and giving it all. I'm still speechless by the efforts of my teammates and eager to do a review, but once again this week is busy. Hopefully I'll have some time tomorrow!

Last week:

Run 30
Roller skating 1 hour 10
Yoga 60

Day off

Day off

Explosive power off skate 45
PRD practice 2 hours

Yoga 30
Stretching 30

Yoga 30
Saturday Fight Fever - Porvoo Roller Derby P-town Brawlers (!!!!!!!!)

Don't really know!
day off

I hurt my right foot last week and I have given it some good rest now. Feels like I've been lazy, but taking it easy does good every once in a while: I've had some crazy weeks.