keskiviikko 27. helmikuuta 2013


WARNING: this is only a short review Shortys style... BUSYBUSY week (as always, I'm sorry for my self not to be able to bla bla bla everything a thousand time here! I wanna!)

Weekend was a blast! I purred and purred... And got a little hurt. Still my uppermost feelings are wonderfully happy! Scrimmaging in Kallio Rolling Rainbows maakuntascrimmage gave me important lessons. There were also more experienced players among the teams who totally took the game to a new level. There was spirit, talent, enthusiasm! They embraced us new players and gave the best support both on the track and bench. It was my third scrimmage and I'm slowly getting the hand of it. I played mainly as a jammer. It was great to get into your position and trying to improve every time on the track.

Last week dear readers:

cross-trainer 25
yoga 60

PRD practice 60

cycling 20
Bodypump 60
yoga 25

Bodybalance 60

HRD practice 2½ hours

KRR practice 3 hours
KRR mixed scrimmage 2 hours - Captain
KRR Intraleague bout 2 hours - NSO

day off

Sneak peak to my little injuries and new hair! Swollen and open wound on my knee, nice bruise on my shoulder and a hit to my head that somehow caused my hair to get shorter three days later??? 


perjantai 22. helmikuuta 2013

Full track practices ahead!

PRD is quite excited to have been invited to HRD's and KRR's practices today and tomorrow... Just a tad excited, just enough to already dream about falling to the full track.

only a tad

Okay a bit more than a tad! Today 2 ½ hours of practicing, skating and listening, hopefully learning!

And luckily just when we might think it's over, we can go to sleep only to wake up into an 8 hour roller derby session! I say:

Then after the 8 hours tomorrow, I'm gonna be all like this:

Thank you for reading! I'll post about the feelings during next week! Smile out!

tiistai 19. helmikuuta 2013

Week 7 - it's all good

I've broken the edge of stress this week. Monday and Tuesday flew by me like I was watching from the outside. Today I feel better despite the fact I've not actually accomplished any of the task I was meant to. I've actually just collected even more stuff to do! But hell, to the same sack of unfinished business.

I'm having my second driving lesson today! The theory lessons are dull but the first driving lesson last week was so much fun. It's gonna change right after we drive in actual traffic with actual cars on the road. Still fun fun fun! Costly fun!

This weekend is one of those kick-ass super weekends that should last for a week. We've been invited to HRDs practice on Friday and then to a practice, mixed scrimmage and a bout by KRR on Saturday. Inhale, exhale, coolio. So how about a full track practice on Friday and Saturday?? Time to skate like hell! How about getting to know new people and letting out some excess energy. Yesyesyes. We'll be home for the night just to wake up after couple of hours for some more, KRR is hosting a practice, we're playing in a mixed scrimmage and finally I'll nso at the last game. Penalty box blocker timer it is, I've done it once and it's gonna be good.

cross-trainer 25
yoga 60

PRD practice 60

Bodypump 60

Bodybalance 60

HRD practice 2½ hours

KRR practice 3 hours
KRR mixed scrimmage 2 hours - Captain
KRR Intraleague bout 2 hours - NSO

day off

maanantai 18. helmikuuta 2013

Week 6 review

Hungry. This weekend was full of delicacies: cupcakes and cake on Friday, some quiche too and salad. Then to a late supper with a dear friend on Saturday, delicious appetizers (beetroot & chèvre, calamari, sausage) and lovely creamy mushroom risotto at Ristorante Como in Helsinki. The final touch at a 2-year birthday party yesterday where we enjoyed various cakes (savory and sugary) and other all time favorites like meatballs and squeaky cheese! Here comes Monday and the food fests are over (except for the obligatory bun of the day).

That bodypump on Friday surely got me sore. I had a 1½ months break from it and now I'll try slowly returning it to my schedule, hoping that spring season will give me more hours a week. I did stretch afterwards and a little on Saturday too but had to skip the stretching lesson at ladyline and hurry to see my little brother, and folks too! On Sunday I did some yoga after a walk and felt already more relaxed, then attended bodybalance and did some serious muscle opening there. Today there's no sign of soreness! I'm ready for more, but have to wait till Wednesday.

Week 6 review:

Cross trainer 15
Run 15
Yoga 60

PRD practice 60

jog 30
PRD practice 2 h (40 min discussion)

Bodybalance 60

cycling 15
Bodypump exp 30

cardio-circle 20 (4 min cycling, 4 min cross trainer, 12 min running)
RVP 30
stretching 30

walk 35
yoga & stretching 25
Bodybalance 60
Yoga & stretching 30

keskiviikko 13. helmikuuta 2013

Week 6 - more steps

This is such a busy week! So no blablabla for me today, just hard planning:

Cross trainer 15
Run 15
yoga 60

PRD practice 60

PRD practice 2 h

Bodybalance 60

Bodypump exp 30

RVP 30
stretching 30

Bodybalance 60
Yoga & stretching 30

maanantai 11. helmikuuta 2013

Grow up! Week 5 - review

New week! New attitude! Here's a picture of me 10 months ago. I had skated for two weeks, about 4 times. FOUR TIMES! And I felt like learning all the time and also I got more skills every time I put those skates on. Now that I remember those days I recall I had to take skates off many times in the middle of the practice because my feet got so sore. I remember tumbling, training how to fall, stop and skate. Basic stuff!

Me at the Open Skate 12.4.2012
We as a league have taken a huge leap. We have had our first FTPs and I am already in the team, a team that scrimmages. Somehow we have waited for this for so long that now that it's happening, I can hardly understand it. I am not only practicing to play but also playing. And for some reason I thought I'd be ready right from the start? Nope, this is where I begin! So no more "damn I sucked" but rather "hey what did I learn, what can I do better next time?" It's no news for me that I'm impatient, it's just hard to handle sometimes. Also now that we are learning more advanced stuff it takes a little longer to take it in and bringing it into action. Too bad patience has never been my thing, but I'm gonna go for it now.

Last week was so busy and it shows in my workouts too, I wish the driving school would be over already.

yoga 60

PRD practice 60

PRD practice 2 hours

day off

yoga & abs 30
walking 45

day off

PRD practice 2 hours

perjantai 8. helmikuuta 2013

Upgrading Vixen take 2

Upgrade 1:
- Atom Juke 93A wheels
- Independent bearings (Abec-5s)
- Soft cushions
(- New helmet)

After upgrade 1

Upgrade 2:
- Friends for Atom Juke 93As: pushers Atom Venom (Poison) 84A (lighter green)
- Suregrip RX Toe Stops (mixed to go with our team colors)
- Green toe Guards
- New laces (I'd love red&blue laces too!)
(- New TSG Force III Knee Pads & TSG All Terrain Elbow pads)

After upgrade 2

So the game stats came from the scrimmage last Saturday... DAMN I SUCKED! I feel powerless. It feels nonsense shouting at myself to try harder but I'll have to try. OKEY sucked is a too powerful a word to use. But I was just worse than I had imagined, that's all.

New TSG knee pads

torstai 7. helmikuuta 2013

What happened on week 4? It's week 5 already turning into weekend!

CRAZY WEEK, damn! Working, two evening meetings, practices and drivers club lessons. To come: more drivers club lessons, work, friends birthday party, brunch, my godsons birthday party, practice and hopefully some sleep at some point. Anyway, I have a spare moment for my beloved blog, hi you!

This day has been awesome. I'm quite often really happy when my days are filled with things I like to do, even now when my bank account is hungry for some euros. Hey it's Thursday already so lets finally finish up last week, shall we! Week 4:

Yoga 60 (note: I reached my head to my knees FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER!)

passed the new unofficial minumum skills written tes
PRD practice 60

baked cookies with teammates
PRD practice 2 hours
drank beer with teammates

bodybalance 60

RVP 30  I just couldn't!

Scrimmage (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Practice 2 hours (:D you should have seen my tired ass going round the track!)

Nope, I'm not over Turku yet. Here's my breakfast on the Sunday after the game, before the 2 hour practice they invited us into. This was at Naantalin Aurinkoinen and the saleswoman was the nicest ever! Almost a total recovery from the game day before... ALMOST! We failed to stretch after the game and maybe slipped into beer drinking before having some water time. Some magnesium would have been great too. And more stretching. One more thing to the list "what we learned in Turku".

JOO well there is life after Turku as well. To prove it I took that picture below. Yep. It's a bruise I got at some practice this week. Quite painful. I had my knee pads too loose, my own fault, and then fell sliding so that the pad went off from that point of my thigh. At yesterdays practice I fell on my skates, wheels hitting my bum in the same-exact-spot-where-I-already-had-a-bruise! That was a nice thing to show for Nina Erwes,  IirisDoris Dee and Indy from HRD... WHY do I ALWAYS have to fall so many times under pressure?? Couldn't I just skate gracefully? Maybe some day, pretty please?

I'm tired. Yawn. How will I survive the theory lessons at drivers club? The room will be filled with 39 almost 18 year old young sparkling people and me. Can't wait to get a cup of hot chocolate and daze the lesson away.

maanantai 4. helmikuuta 2013

Lost n' found

PRD did good! We're happy, excited and longing for more! We lost the game, but found ourselves happy to the top, cheering and partying. That is because although we lost we also found out we still made a pretty good match. The first period was quite even but then it got out of hands in the second period. That is quite normal for teams starting to scrimmage, at least that is what I heard. But still we made points and didn't get totally wiped out. Our team spirit was high, we were supportive towards each other and no one had a mental breakdown.

PRD loves DRRG
When it comes to my own playing it didn't go as well as I imagined...  I was ready to be super agile, fast and furious, to block everyone trying to pass me, to score millions and millions of points and just leap through the pack. In fact I took penalties, was late too many times in my moves and unable to forecast. I also got stuck in the pack, went to the box for stupid mistakes, fell like a bambi and at some point felt quite miserable. But every time I got back to our bench the cheerful supporting atmosphere ran over me and no setbacks made me miserable after that. Sometimes I even got through the back, actually blocked and did good stuff. Most importantly I learned a lot, for example:
- bridging correctly, reforming the pack
- trying to anticipate the jammers next move when blocking
- confusing the opposing jammer in jam start when jamming
- team work, pushing my teammates
- figuring out their strategy for the game and adjusting to it

During the evening and night we found out how great all the derby people in Turku were. They made us welcome, they took us to dinner, then they drank beer with us, had a great after party, gave us beds to sleep in, took us to their practice and we enjoyed the hall with a full track. They were loud and hugged us, never gave up cheering for us. I miss everyone already!

perjantai 1. helmikuuta 2013



Once again I'm way too excited to think clear. Stay tuned, I'm going through it!

Wish us luck, it's going to be awesome!