maanantai 8. lokakuuta 2012

Saturday full of Roller Derrrrby

On Friday I went to see my little brother after work. He's turning 2 years this December and is as adorable as ever! He hugged me, even gave me some kisses and we played with cars. We had a nice conversation with my dads lady friend about life in general and plenty about roller derby too. She's so nice, always really interested and shares my liking of treats like cake and good cheese. My visit was due to my dads longer trip to Berlin and I just wanted to keep some company as well as get some good company for myself too. She must be one of the rare people in my life that are actually still interested in hearing about roller derby. Somehow I feel people are more or less fed up with non-stop derby talk. Even when I started this update I had doubts about the title and hey - this is a blog about my battle of roller derby! Still it seems like an unwanted topic to chat about.

I woke up to my alarm on a Saturday morning at 7.30 am. Then I woke up again at 8 am and noticed I'd have to hurry a bit to get myself in to a car by 8.45! Some necessary coffee and bread to go, clothes for sports and clothes to hang out at the bout. It was time for a strategy lecture. When I sat in the car I felt still asleep, I ate my bread and tried to get a hold of myself but failed. It was only in the beginning of the lecture when I woke up, thanks to our coach Killmore who bought me a marshmallow cable (mmm nicely translated) from the marketplace on Friday. Oh the one meter long marshmallow dream come true, it was just what I needed to get my thoughts on strategies. We went through some basic strategies for 2 hours and really it was just simple stuff but so good for us beginners. I kept writing notes for myself and tried to assimilate every piece of information given. There is so much work to do, so much to learn to actually become a team with a goal. It might do me some good if I'd open up my notes here this week, I'll try and have some time for that.

Gear on, warm-up! The space in Pasila leaves me speechless and just makes me want to go there over and over again. I don't want to take my skates off, I just want to roll around the track for hours. But now it was time for strategies in action. Some about jam starts and during the game strategies also. All participants were from different levels, some had already played in bouts, some were fresh meat and some somewhere in between. The whole practice was held in Finnish and we did different drills. Some with pairs and groups of four. Jam starting drills we went of course through with 5 + 5. That was the most fun part! I am really grateful to live so near Helsinki and to take part in Helsinki Roller Derbys great boot camps.

When the lecture was over I felt empty for a while and then it changed to a feeling of realisation of how much work we have in front of us. And how fun that work is going to be! No more learning how to fall, no more beginner stuff, but actual strategies of how the game is played. It tickles me when I think about it. Of course I know we have to take care of our basic skating skills as well, at the moment I understand it even more since my buttocks are still hurting. I'm definitely going for a new massage on Wednesday and getting back to practice this week. I will just leave RVP out for now 'cause that's too much for my potato field.

We stayed to sell some merch and to watch the bouts too. My mom came to see the bout between Kouvola Rock n Rollers and HRD's team Hurtta Lottas. She was excited and when she started to understand the game she was fully in to it, cheering like a pro. It was the first bout Kouvola played as a team, some of the girls had participated in mixed bouts before and for some it was the first bout ever. They did really good, I especially think they had good jam starts but then the game on -strategies and teamwork was weaker. Still they've made such a great job, being able to bout after less than 1½ years from starting the league! That is amazing. Then HRD's two home teams played against each other and it was a joy to watch so intensive game, Saturday Fight Fever won Angry Nerds only by two points.

On Sunday it was cookie baking time! I love making the dough - the scent of chocolate gets me high. This patch was made for the team for some bout watching. We didn't have on skate practice 'cause the space was in other use, so we spent the hours by watching a bout and meeting some of the fresh meat girls too. They seem awesome! I'd love to have some more time with them too.

Vincent & famösa cookies
So how did my last week go? Well BAD, really it sucked! I don't like injuries... I want to spit on that last weeks workout schedule, yak.

stretching 30

PRD off skate practice 60
PRD on skate practice 60

massage 30
PRD on skate practice 2 hours
hip exercise 15

squats 2 x 65
stretching 30 (home)
hip exercise 15

RVP 30
stretching 30 (home)
hip exercise 15

Strategy boot camp by HRD in Pasila:
off skate theory 2 hours
on skate practice 2 hours

PRD off skate practice 2 hours
stretching 30 (home)
hip exercise 15

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