perjantai 26. lokakuuta 2012

Friday blabbers

It's time to make a deal with the upcoming winter because we just had our first snow. I like snow and dry winter days, but there are definitely certain aspects I don't really care for - well probably most Finns don't. Slush, everything colder than -15 degrees, darkness. Those are the things I loathe. From last winter I remember -9 degrees was my limit for going for a run. Every degree colder made my lungs hurt and of course it also depends on the ground. There are two things to think about: it's easy to run in slush but you wet your feet and it takes more energy, so you have to run slower which is depressing. The another thing is ice. Running on pavement turns to hell and you don't have so many route choices anymore, for a while little forest paths are your only choice. Still I enjoy more running outside than on a treadmill but since I'm not training for a marathon anymore I think I can quite easily do running on a treadmill without greater pains. I am so lucky to live above my gym, just waiting when they'll give me a key to the staircase door.

Yesterday I skipped jogging but planned a trip to Poland instead. I had small pains in my right knee in the morning so I decided not to exercise but to plan my moms 60th birthday that she wants to spend in Poland. We found a wonderful small place with many cool apartment lodgings: Sopot. It's by the sea and in between two bigger cities Gdansk and Gdynia. Sopot is a town of only 40 000 people so it's about the same population than Porvoo. Gdansk and Gdynia on the ohter hand are bigger cities: Gdansk 460 276 and Gdynia 247 324. Those three towns are situated right next to each other and in a map it also looks like there isn't much of a empty space between the suburbs. There is a national park called Tricity Landscape Park in Sopot that looks beautiful and would be nice to visit that too.

I'm really short on time once again and haven't been able to do any body treatment like stretching so I've just tried to do some whenever I've had some time. I stretch my buttocks on coffee breaks with the easy non-suspicious move: lifting the other ankle on top of the others knee and turning the upper legs knee open and then stretching forward with my upper body. I can feel it quite well again event though I already thought I'm done with my buttocks. I do that 2-3 times a day, 30 seconds at a time. Somewhat at noon I do a small 7 minutes exercise to improve mobility of hands, shoulders, core and some wake-up calls for feet too.

Today I want to leave early for a jog but I haven't decided if I want to run outdoors or indoors, I'll have to check the weather in the afternoon. Then it's all about baking for the rest of the evening and preparing ourselves for our Leo Club charter party tomorrow! I still have a speech to work on... And probably I'll just improvise even though I'd have something ready for tomorrow.

Today: SNOW

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