I took a brake at nine and went to RVP to work with my thighs, abs and buttocks. I also attended stretching class, it did good for my back that has been aching for a couple of days now. Darn it felt evil in my muscles right in the morning, oh it was lovely. Then again I changed back to my pyjamas and continued with the presentation. My precious Vincent took advantage of me being at home and he fell a sleep on my lap. The only moments a demonic cat can look cute and fluffy. After some hours I started baking mushroom baguettes which turned out to be a real treat with the actual meal: mushroom sauce with smashed potatoes. Life has been so sweet today I could cry from all the happy feelings. There's no surprise this thought came after talking about food, I'm a food lover. And talk about sweet, we even had dessert: a cream doughnut and a vanilla bun. And more coffee.
My next step was finally putting some real clothes on at 1.30 pm. I went to the flea market with my dear Musta Hurma #27. Sadly I couldn't find anything to wear on a particular photo shoot, but it's still always nice to get time to check out all the funny things people sell second hand. Like a pair of slippers stolen from the hotel. Then came Kewtrikaze with two longboards... I had my helmet, my knee pads and bracers so I was ready to hop on it! Almost. Soon we were off to the streets of Porvoo, one smooth cruiser and another quite hazardous cruiser. It was so cool, just to strike yourself to speed and roll. It was also so much easier to steer a longboard compared to normal skateboard. I didn't feel like a complete loser but really enjoyed it, felt the breeze and even took two downhills on my first time on a longboard. Now I need to have one to myself.
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