Yes yes! Today is THE Day! We are hopefully getting some people joining our fresh meat training program! So cool to see people interested in roller derby. This afternoon is all about fun, we are having a team sauna after the open skates. My last time in sauna was in Porto, Portugal, and the sign there said "No throwing water on the rocks". Excuse me, isn't that the idea of sauna? So today we'll be having some real sauna and good company.
Yes, I skipped yesterday on my blog, but I had a great workout. First of all I couldn't do the girya (kettlebell) on Friday because my hand was still sore from hitting the stall bars in our practice space. I went to RVP though and had a great workout for my thighs, abs and buttocks. In the evening I did the agility workout I was supposed to do on Saturday. Our kitchen has the best big flagstones to jump with. On Saturday I went jogging with Lupus and afterwards decided to go to RVP again. Well done! I felt goodie good. Today is my day off (just a little scrimmage for a show and squats) and I am mentally preparing myself for the tougher week.
This is how it really went compared to the plan.
BODYPUMP 60Tuesday
squats x 50
on skate practice 2 hours
squats x 50
RVP 30
interval jogging 30 min
RVP 30
stretching 30
squats x 50
scrimmage ~50
EDIT 10.9.2012
Just added the scrimmaging we did yesterday at the Open Skate! More to come about the day! Whooop!
Wau! Tän voisin ottaa ohjenuoraksi ja kannustimeksi itsellenikin. En tiennyt, että sun urheiluhistoria on näinkin "lyhyt".
VastaaPoistaGo Shorty! You ROCK! :D
Onpa hyvinkin, kersana ei tullu urheiltua muuta kuin pakollisilla liikuntatunneilla :D! Mutta kummasti sitä omasta kehosta irtoaa, kun uskaltaa viedä sitä välillä äärimmilleen. Ja mikö fiilis kun vihdoin pystyy johonkin mihin ei koskaan uskonut pystyvänsä!
VastaaPoistaIhana Outi kannustaa <3