I just realized there will be no skating for me next week, week 14. That is so depressing! We're heading to Helsinki on Tuesday to celebrate a dear friends birthday, so no off & on skates for me. Then on Wednesday we have no practice space in Tolkkinen and on Sunday PRD is going to Pasila and I'm gonna be a non skating official for the first time. So time for some long jogs next week? Hopefully it won't snow before it, running on a treadmill is OK but quite boring after 40 minutes. Now some people will hate me for sure, everyone is hoping to have snow soon, yeah I know: it will bring light and joy, Christmas feeling an what else. But it just completely stops me from cycling to work which sucks, I save a lot minutes by cycling.
This week I don't think I'm able to go bodypump express, which has really done some speed up in improving. I've done two weeks with one normal bodypump (60 minutes) and short (30 minutes) and yesterdays class was awesome, it has to got something to do with that twice a week workout. A couple of weeks I've been really out of breathe, tired and shaking after last reps but yesterday there was pain but no noisy breathing or much grimace either! So really too bad I'm not able to attend another class this week to try out some new weights... And next week I'm only able to go on Wednesday, 'cause we have a meeting on Monday. I don't know why I'm waffling about next week! What! Let's take this week first:
Bodypump 60
Yoga 60
PRD off skate practice: bodycombat 60
PRD on skate practice 60
PRD on skate practice 2 hours
day off
day off
running 30
RVP 30
PRD FTP on skate practice 2 hours
PRD on skate practice 2 hours
Have you done any sleeping lately? |
Yeah. To take my own words back again, just letting you all know I can relax too. Or can I? Yes I can. I'm gonna show it to you next week! I CAN MANAGE WITHOUT SKATING FOR ONE WEEK! I can! And I can relax! Yes! And I will quietly transfer my serious workouts to bodypump next week and try some outrageous weights... Ain't that relaxing? Just kidding! I will relax, I promise. And sleep. I will also go to work only on Mon-Wed and will only post short reviews about this week, plan a little week 14 and post pictures of me relaxing, unless I don't feel like it, isn't relaxing something like you only do what you want, living the moment? Well that's quite much what I do anyway. So why am I trying so much? See, now I'm TRYING to relax really badly. Planning on relaxing. I am hopeless people. Thank you and I'm sorry.
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