My uppermost feeling at the moment is happiness! Porvoo Roller Derby came to my life somewhere in March, only a couple weeks after some of my friends and other people who had caught the RD-flu set up PRD. For a while I listened that never ending derby-talk my friends went through, wondered what they're up to, even got some encouragement to join this phenomenon. Now all those awesome "other people" are my friends as well, make me laugh and relax, as well as try harder. This league has given me something I've never had: a team. Teamwork!
We had a league Christmas gala on Friday and it was such a great party, so much fun all around, great speeches, singing, hugging, piling up on the floor, just enjoying the freedom to talk all the derby in the world, freeing ourselves to come even closer to each other. So much fun indeed! I was part of our lovely party organizing group and we had prepared titles for everyone from suggestions we got from teammates. I myself got the title seen in picture above: Year 2012 famösa cookies!
I have a surprise for you! Last weeks workouts were awesome, I'm really pleased:
PRD off skates practice: improvised contact exercise
and/or power yoga 60
PRD on skates practice 60
yoga 60
PRD off skate practice: feedback sessions & bout watching 2 hours
running 30
korsetti (core exercise) 30
cross trainer 20
bodybalance 60
RVP 30
stretching 30
on skate practices FTP 2 hours
on skate practices 2 hours
Even though I couldn't make it to RVP on Friday and was too hung-over to go stretching, I'm happy! On Thursday I was about to run in between classes at LadyLine, but couldn't: both treadmills were taken. And on Friday I was quite busy organizing some surprises for the evening and trying to create a party look. Putting on make-up and doing my hair has never been something I like particularly. Here's a picture of two eager party organizers who weren't supposed to drink at all... And did the opposite and had a great time!
Coach Kewtrikaze and me |
On Saturday I went to eat some leftover marshmallows to Katris&Aliisas place and quite soon after that we left to see the double header in Helsinki. KRR, Kallio Rolling Rainbows really kicked some ass: both b-team and a-team won. We ate bread rolls, drank coffee and were restless, tired and happy. Oh joys!
KRR A team vs Harbor Girls Hamburg |