maanantai 4. helmikuuta 2013

Lost n' found

PRD did good! We're happy, excited and longing for more! We lost the game, but found ourselves happy to the top, cheering and partying. That is because although we lost we also found out we still made a pretty good match. The first period was quite even but then it got out of hands in the second period. That is quite normal for teams starting to scrimmage, at least that is what I heard. But still we made points and didn't get totally wiped out. Our team spirit was high, we were supportive towards each other and no one had a mental breakdown.

PRD loves DRRG
When it comes to my own playing it didn't go as well as I imagined...  I was ready to be super agile, fast and furious, to block everyone trying to pass me, to score millions and millions of points and just leap through the pack. In fact I took penalties, was late too many times in my moves and unable to forecast. I also got stuck in the pack, went to the box for stupid mistakes, fell like a bambi and at some point felt quite miserable. But every time I got back to our bench the cheerful supporting atmosphere ran over me and no setbacks made me miserable after that. Sometimes I even got through the back, actually blocked and did good stuff. Most importantly I learned a lot, for example:
- bridging correctly, reforming the pack
- trying to anticipate the jammers next move when blocking
- confusing the opposing jammer in jam start when jamming
- team work, pushing my teammates
- figuring out their strategy for the game and adjusting to it

During the evening and night we found out how great all the derby people in Turku were. They made us welcome, they took us to dinner, then they drank beer with us, had a great after party, gave us beds to sleep in, took us to their practice and we enjoyed the hall with a full track. They were loud and hugged us, never gave up cheering for us. I miss everyone already!

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