tiistai 21. toukokuuta 2013

Week 19 - review

There was some changes but still quite nice amount of workout too. Week 19:

Run 30
Yoga 60

PRD practice 1 hour 45

Run 45

PRD practice 2 hours
Explosive power off skate 45
Run 45

Cookie baking for restaurant day!
Body workout 60
Yoga & Stretching 30

Core workout 30
Upper body workout 20
Walk 60

Scrimmage! SWEATY

Here's a couple of pictures from my walk on Saturday. That evening was all about realizing it really is summer now and that's partly why I don't care to sit on my computer writing to my blog. I rather go out and explore the nature after so many dark and cold months. Or do some great workouts out together with my teammates as we did yesterday. I will be updating my workouts - it's a useful tool for planning and keeping track.

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